april, 2020
23apr2:00 pm3:00 pmWebinar: COVID-19 SME supports through SBCI

Event Details
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Event Details
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Password: 653150
Description: John Madigan of the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) will discuss the SME supports available through COVID-19.
On 8th April last the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation advised the expansion of two SBCI schemes by €450m. €250m of this will be provided through the SBCI Covid-19 Working Capital Scheme with the remaining €200 million through the Future Growth Loan Scheme. The SBCI is currently finalising the details of the extensions to both schemes and updates will be published on this website as they become available. Both the existing SBCI Covid-19 working Capital Scheme and the Government’s Credit Guarantee Scheme continue to have the capacity to deal with the current level of demand from SMEs.
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Webinar ID: 988 9052 4219
Password: 653150
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(Thursday) 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Webinar: Online
County Carlow Chamberceo@carlowchamber.com
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