Aptus Fibre Broadband

Aptus Broadband was established in 2006 and is a Carlow based company with the specific aim of delivering broadband to rural areas. Rural areas of the south east were identified in 2006 to have a lack of, and a need for high quality, high speed and reliable broadband and Aptus have been working hard to fulfil that need ever since. Following 10 year of research, development and challenging work from a very dedicated team at Aptus Broadband, Aptus is now considered a rural broadband specialist delivering high quality high speed reliable broadband to many homes and business in some of the most rural areas of the southeast.
Aptus Broadband delivers its broadband service using carrier class wireless technology from Cambium Network, a world leader in Wireless Broadband Technology. It is the belief within the company that by using high quality leading-edge technology from a world leader in the field, it will give its end user the best possible broadband experience with improved quality and reliability.
The technology deployed by Aptus in a very much black or white, it either works or it does not work and there is nowhere in the middle. If it works on day one it will always work and this will be indicated by the in-depth tests that are carried out by the trained installation engineers during the site survey / installation. This differentiates the type of system deploy by Aptus from many other wireless and mobile broadband type solution where the service may fluctuate
If you are somebody who has no broadband or are looking to upgrade your current broadband service Aptus will be happy to help.
So, remember – If you think that you can’t get great broadband in rural areas…. think again! No phone line required.
Categories: Business & Professional Services, Computers & Telecommunications
Lorum House
Bagenalstown, Co.Carlow Ireland